dave scott on WPFR



Hi to my visitors,

This web site has been created as an extension of livingbythewordsofGod.com so I can better maintain the main site and yet still keep this large volume of audio files for the radio message highlights.

What I was running into was a hesitancy to update my site because any changes took so long because of the size of audio files. For some reason my web publishing program wanted to upload the entire site whenever I made a change, even when I instructed it to do otherwise.

Now I have this in a separate sub-domain and I converted everything to mp3 so access to listening is more universal.



Living by the Words of God Radio Highlights

This is a new site for the highlights of the Living by the Words of God study that aired on WPFR FM 93.9 from October 2005 through January 2006.

STUDY PART ONE - Understanding the Offer

STUDY PART TWO - Pursuing the Opportunity


In the early summer of 2005 I asked Paul Ford, station manager at WPFR, if he could look over my book - Living by the Words of God - and if possible record an interview and later play this on his stations. I knew Paul did things like this to help promote the work of local people. But Paul went one better. He read the book while on vacation a few weeks later and asked me if I would like to do a series highlighting my work. 

What an opportunity. So every week from October 16, 2005 to January 27, 2006, Kerry and I recorded a 15 minute Sunday spot and five 2 minute spots for Monday - Friday in my home studio, burned them to CD and dropped them off at the station.

Thank you, Paul Ford.

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[dave scott on WPFR] [PART ONE] [PART TWO] [Radio Spots]