Radio Spots


Hi to my visitors,

This web site has been created as an extension of so I can better maintain the main site and yet still keep this large volume of audio files for the radio message highlights.

What I was running into was a hesitancy to update my site because any changes took so long because of the size of audio files. For some reason my web publishing program wanted to upload the entire site whenever I made a change, even when I instructed it to do otherwise.

Now I have this in a separate sub-domain and I converted everything to mp3 so access to listening is more universal.



Various Radio Spots on WPFR

BY dave scott

More than groceries
Seek the Lord
The first Bible study.
True living
Life more abundantly.
Trust God’s sword
God’s word is a doorway
Use only as prescribed
Let it rain
What does it mean to live by the words
A careful approach to the Father’s words
Because of this we have hope

 Asking Why

I will praise you, O Lord
A holy calling -- Keepers of the words
Knowing how to continue
Cutting across the centuries
Shoe leather
Designed for the heart
The unknown paths of God
Enhancement or reverence

Welcome to the planet

Every word of God is flawless
Who heals your wounds

Web Design
[dave scott on WPFR] [PART ONE] [PART TWO] [Radio Spots]